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The first day out of hibernation! Kids can only play so much in the house before they just go nuts!! The weather was gorgeous, enough you had to squint your eyes in certain directions! The sand wasn’t hard anymore, ditches were dug, and roads were built. Spring is near! In the meantime down in California Travis got his truck in a slippery situation!

Notice the chains on the truck tires! While working in an orchard the dirt roads are never the greatest, and this one just happened to have muddy edges! This is one of the better roads I have seen yet!

We can’t wait to go down and visit him in California! Not only are we looking forward to the warmer weather but we also cannot wait to see everyone down there! Especially looking forward to meeting my brother and getting to know his family down there, gotta love how Facebook makes it easy to find and reconnect with people 🙂 One great thing about Facebook!